Amplitude Patient Reported Outcome Measure Questionnaires

At The Poynton SpineCare Institute we are committed to achieving the best possible outcomes for our surgical patients.

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) provide the patient an opportunity to give important feedback about surgical procedures and allows clinicians to continue to monitor a patient’s health long after they are discharged.

Gathering the most accurate information is best achieved using a system where patients, healthcare professionals and healthcare providers work together to ensure that it can be used to improve services, treatment and the quality of care the patient receives.



The Poynton SpineCare Institute utilise Amplitude to assist in collecting this information

Amplitude is a quick and easy way for you and your consultant to track your progress post surgery. It is an online set of simple questions that we would like you to answer before and after your treatment. Amplitude is important because:

·         It allows you to track the progress you are making

·         It helps us to monitor you and provide you with the best support

·         It enables us to learn and offer even better care to our patient

Amplitude data collection is really important to us here at The Poynton SpineCare Institute and we appreciate your assistance and feedback to ensure we are giving the best possible care we can to our patients.


How do I complete my questionnaire?

We will email your questionnaire and you can complete the questionnaire at home at your leisure on your phone, tablet, computer or laptop.


For more information about Amplitude -

Marie Walsh
Osteoporosis Awareness Update

Did you know that there is an estimated 300,000 people living with osteoporosis in Ireland, with only 15% being diagnosed? It is important to look out for signs and symptoms of undiagnosed osteoporosis:

  • A broken bone from a trip or fall or less

  • Loss of height or change in body shape

  • Hump in your upper back

  • Back pain 

  • Unexplained broken bones

If you think you are at risk it is important to visit your GP and they will arrange a DXA scan which will look at you bone mineral density. Following this appropriate treatment will be arranged.


To keep healthy bones maintain a healthy diet rich in calcium and Vitamin D, and do appropriate weight bearing exercises.


Please see  for more information

Marie Walsh
The Poynton SpineCare Institute Satellite Clinics

Did you know The Poynton SpineCare Institute has regular clinics in Mater Private Cork and Vista Primary Care Centre Naas with more locations coming soon.

Mr Poynton and Mr Fournier attend regular clinics in both locations . All administration of these clinics run through our Main Hub Office at St Raphaels’ House, 81-84 Dorset Street Upper, Dublin 1. Our administration team will be able to offer appointments to one of our three centers from this office. Please contact us on or 01 8822637 for more information . For further information on how to organise an appointment please check out our FAQ section on this website.

Penny Medical Patient Education Software introduced in The Poynton SpineCare Institute

The Poynton SpineCare Institute has partnered with Penny Medical to enhance the patients education and experience in their clinics. Penny Medical combines a clinically approved suite of human Anatomy modules, Interactive video content and reference information for patients and doctors/ health care professionals and delivers them in an easily understandable and visual way. The solution has been designed to support the medical professional with powerful, visual tools and references that enable the confident investigation, diagnosis and treatment of the widest range of conditions while also promoting health literacy to patients. 

Penny Medical is a company that promotes Patient education and patient literacy whereby they involve healthcare professionals teaching patients about their health, so they may better understand their condition.  If a patient is well educated on their condition, they will no doubt understand what goals they need to work towards to improve their health.

This all works with the philosophy of the Poynton SpineCare Institute where the health professionals and patients work together and the patient is put at the center of decisions about their own treatment and care.

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Marie Walsh
Keeping Active During the Holidays



Summer holidays have arrived with the last of primary schools finishing up on Friday. With that, many exercise classes take a break for the summer also and many gym goers do not want to spend their time indoors. So how do you keep fit, healthy and active during the summer months?


The first thing to consider is how much exercise should you be getting. The ACSM guidelines recommend 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, so that’s 30 minutes five times a week. One of the key things with getting exercise in is finding something you enjoy, so while the weather is good why not aim to make your exercise a social occasion and meet up with a friend for a walk, cycle, sea swim or even an outdoor yoga class (instead of that glass of wine / coffee and cake!).


With the sun shining at the moment all around Ireland there are other important things to keep in mind when exercising outdoors. Drinking plenty of water to stay well hydrated is important, as well as making sure your skin is protected by using sun screen to avoid sun burn. Dehydration and sunburn can lead to things such as heat cramps & heat exhaustion which will limit your ability to keep up your exercise.


If you’ve had recent problems with your neck or back but are now only having minimal symptoms and wondering how to keep on top of your spine health and prevent reoccurrence, why not get a referral from your GP, physiotherapist or Consultant here to us in The Poynton SpineCare Institute. Once one of our Spine Consultants have assessed you, you can do our TPM which is ground breaking technology and The Poynton SpineCare Institute is the only accredited centre in Ireland to have it. It will assess and highlight any issues you may have with alignment, posture, movement control, flexibility, co-ordination, strength and stability and helps to put together a bespoke strength and conditioning programme for you.


We also have Pilates classes, for current patients, starting again at 8am on a Wednesday and Friday this week to keep you going over the summer months!


Just contact to express your interest in being reviewed in The Poynton SpineCare Instiute and for current patients to book into TPM or Pilates Classes.



Marie Walsh

What is GDPR?

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) from 25th May 2018 will replace current data protection laws in the European Union.

The new law will give individuals greater control over their data by setting out additional and more clearly defined rights for individuals whose personal data is collected and processed by organisations. The GDPR also imposes corresponding and greatly increased obligations on organisations that collect this data. For more information

At The Poynton SpineCare Institute we take the protection of your data seriously. We want you to be confident that we are keeping your data secure and we handle and process it in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation.

What data to we collect?

Your relevant demographics and medical information to safely and efficiently provide comprehensive care.

Ways in which we use your data -

Your data is used as part of your assesement and treatment plan and  will only be transferred to a third party on your consent. This may be to organise surgery, treatment or other inventions or radiological investigations. Your consent will also be sought regarding who you want correspondence sent to e.g. GP, Physiotherapist, Consultant.  We will not discuss your details with any third party without your consent. This will be sought on your consultation.

How do we secure your data?

At The Poynton SpineCare Institute securing your personal data is extremely important to us, which is why we take appropriate measures to protect your data. We use a range of security technologies and processes. 


Marie Walsh
The Poynton SpineCare Institute introduces Pilates Classes

Here at The Poynton SpineCare Institute we have recently incorporated physiotherapy-led mat work Pilates classes. We believe exercise rehabilitation with the appropriate choice of exercises and correct technique and movement pattern are one of the key elements to resolving spinal pain and discomfort.

A recent journal article (Llewellyn et al. 2017) investigated the benefits of carrying out Pilates, for one hour twice a week over six weeks, for persistent non-specific low back pain. It found that Pilates rehabilitation can lead to a reduction in perceived functional disability and pain, as well as increased core muscle strength and lumbar range of movment.

Complience to health care professionals prescription was reported by WHO as being less than 50% in developed countries. Past General Surgeon of US, C. Everett Koop, said ‘drugs don’t work in patient who don’t take them’ and similarly patients who don’t follow their prescribed home exercise programme likely won’t see the improvements they’re aiming for.

Attending a class once a week can help keep people motivated and focused towards carrying out their rehabilitation programme in the long term and achieving their goals, as well as ensuring they’re doing it right.


Contact to express your interest in joining one of our Pilates classes.

Marie Walsh
Tip Thursday

Desk based Job and Commuting


How many hours do you spend commuting?


Commuting in Ireland

· 90 minutes: average time people spend travelling each weekday

· 74% of all car journeys are made by car


According to the World Health Organisation physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for mortality


Research has shown people who walk to work are 45% more physically active than those who drive.


Benefits of active commute

· Reduced BMI and percentage body fat

· Reduced risk of coronary heart disease

· Reduced risk of stroke

· Reduced risk of type II diabetes

· Reduced anxiety and depression


10 Tips if you have a desk based job and / or commute to work


1) Get enough sleep – recommended 7-9 hours

2) Set the alarm 10 minutes earlier to avoid rushing

3) Eat breakfast before leaving home / take healthy breakfast with you

4) Walk / bike some of the way or once a week the whole way if possible

5) Use the time to relax e.g. listening to podcast / audio book

6) Have walking meetings at work – take opportunity with one to one meetings to go for a walk rather than sit at a desk

7) Wear trainers for any walking and change into shoes when arriving at work

8) Have an ergonomically set up work space - sit on a gym ball or use a standing desk for short periods throughout the day

9) Take regular breaks from sitting – set an alarm on your phone for ever 30-45 minutes

10)Carry out some simple mobility exercises at your desk


Keep an eye on our social media for simple desk based exercise videos that you can start doing today.

Marie Walsh
SpineCheck Launches at The Poynton SpineCare Institute


See todays Irish Times article re benefits of SpineCheck


For More Information on SpineCheck -

or contact us at

Marie Walsh
Tip Thursday

Did you know that a poor night’s sleep can increase your experience of pain?

Research shows that poor or insufficient sleep is the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50.

Sleep and pain have a reciprocal relationship – make sure you get a good night’s sleep to help reduce your pain.

Five Tips for Quality Sleep

1) Screens: avoid for one hour before bed

2) Caffeine: avoid after 6pm

3) Light: aim for bright light during the day and pitch dark when going to sleep

4) Mattress: try a memory foam

5) Mindfulness

Marie Walsh
Tip Thursday


Did you know that smoking has been linked to osteoporosis, poor tissue healing, lower pain threshold and the progression of back pain?


Research has shown that if you quit smoking before surgery it can lead to faster wound healing, reduced complications, reduced hospital stay and faster recovery of functional capacity.


Five Tips to Help you Quit Smoking

1) Drink water

2) Eat a healthy snack

3) Two minutes of exercise when craving

4) Save the money you’d spend on cigarettes

5) Get support from and join the quit community

Marie Walsh
Tip Thursday

Did you know a sedentary lifestyle can be linked to increased lower back pain?

Following an exercise routine can significantly reduce lower back pain in eight weeks.

Research has shown that exercising for three hours per week reduces the risk of lower back pain. The American College of Sports Medicine and The American Heart Association recommend 150 minutes moderate or 75 minutes vigorous exercise plus two resistance training sessions a week.

Over 59% of the Irish population do not meet these guidelines.

Five Tips to Help Get you Exercising

1) Do something you like

2) Get into a routine

3) Keep a diary

4) Have a training buddy

5) Set some SMART goals (Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time Bound)

Marie Walsh
Low Back Pain Prevention and Management Awareness Month

The Poynton Spine Care Institute is delighted to announce that October is Low Back Pain Prevention and Management Awareness Month in the Institute.  Throughout the month we will be launching a Management of Low Back Pain in Primary Care Guide. Through our social media channels we will be providing tips, information and exercises. We will be also participating in World Spine Day. Follow us on Twitter and Instagram to take part.

Marie Walsh
Mater Private Cork
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The Poynton SpineCare Institute are delighted to announce their partnership with Mater Private Cork.  Mr Poynton and other Spinal Surgeons from the Institute will be carrying out surgical procedures in theatre in Mater Private Cork and attending outpatient clinics in the Mater Private Cork on a regular basis.


If you would like to attend our clinics in Mater Private Cork please contact the office on 018822644. See our Frequently Asked Question section on our website for more information regarding appointments in the Poynton Spine Care Institute.

Marie Walsh